Patty's Padawan Program

1 on 1 coaching has been a dream of mine since I first started fitness 7 years ago. I am at a stage in my career where I know I now have the knowledge to start training some Padawans. I want you to be strong not only physically, but also mentally. This is not only going to be fitness oriented, but on our weekly check-ins. I want my clients to be open and ask any questions/ advice in overall life to make you stronger both physically and mentally. With this 1 on 1 coaching you will receive: a personal nutrition plan, personal training splits adjusted for your daily lifestyle, weekly scheduled FaceTime/ Skype calls and free access to current meatball method splits and future deadlift strength programs, all for the price of $300/Month. Thank you for being patient with the application process as I sift through the applicants and narrow down my potential Padawans.
Again, thank you all so much for the support and trusting me with your fitness/ health as we turn you into everything you’ve dreamed of. Let’s take your fitness/life to the next level!
